No Knock-Offs Here!
Hanging Reading Chair to Pure Relaxation!
Welcome to the Original Airchairâ„¢
We are a family run business. We support our products!
Experience the benefits of zero-gravity recliners with the full zero gravity feel.
We are in no way affiliated with AirchairUSA.com, we only focus on the highest quality of chairs. If you do not see the AirChairâ„¢ Trade Mark on the site, beware!
We guarantee and support all of our quality built products. Beware of the cheap knockoffs that come with no customer support.
Joe - the Original Airchair Guy
We are in no way affiliated with AirchairUSA.com, we only focus on the highest quality of chairs. If you do not see the AirChairâ„¢ Trade Mark on the site, beware!
Experiencing the comfort & relaxation of sitting in the Airchair is why we love the AirChair.
All airchairs are not created equal. This airchair and its accessories are made with very strong, durable, uv resistant, nylon cloth and rope; which outlasts cotton, canvas, and other textiles. The chair with the complete array of accessories, (arm rests, foot rest, beverage holder, rope brakes to help you with the chair tilt feature and installation hardware), are all included in one comfortable price.
Air Chair Options to Fit Your Life!
The seating area is constructed in such a way that when you are seated, the chair gives you a complete support feel. In addition, the airchair can quickly be adjusted between "sit up" or "lay back" positions. The simplistic, but unique, design of the Air Chair, allows for this by simple adjustment of the nylon rope in two locations. This airchair even includes markers/stops which are mounted on the nylon rope to help you adjust the chair evenly.
Enjoy hanging in the air chair in the comfort of your home or maybe in the sky on your deck, porch, campsite, beach, garden, terrace, balcony, patio or under that perfect tree. Going wireless with your laptop computer? Browse the web in your airchair. These cool chairs are totally relaxing and very colorful!
In addition to hanging from a ceiling, the Air Chair may also be used outside. This may be achieved by hanging the airchair from a tree limb, patio or by using the airchair frame!
See Our Package Specials
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